“Roldão Advogados, SP RL” was founded in 2018 and results from the demerger of the law firm “Roldão Mendonça, Teresa Jorge e Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL”. “Roldão Advogados, SP RL” and its predecessor trace their origins to “SAS", a project launched in late 2002 not as a firm but rather as a means of aggregating legal expertise so that participating lawyers, through their experience, practice and exchanges of information, would establish a multidisciplinary team.
Over the years, “Roldão Mendonça, Teresa Jorge e Associados, Sociedade de Advogados, RL” gained a national profile and became reputed as the benchmark firm for various different fields of law. In Sintra council, its reputation is unquestionable after having throughout years maintained various institutional collaborations, specifically sponsoring the Sintra authorities and other local government entities.
It was this experience and the knowledge accumulated over the years that we sought to transfer to “Roldão Advogados, SP RL”, endowing the firm with an well-established team, versatile and capable of responding to the challenges currently prevailing.
“Roldão Advogados, SP RL” operates a management model divided into areas of expertise with clients and their processes attributed to the lawyer with the most appropriate profile for the respective case. The solutions put forward by our professionals are always the best aligned, proportional and most economic for our clients.
Grateful for your attention.
The Board.
Rua Doutor Almada Guerra 28/30,
2710-417, Sintra - Portugal
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